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School Uniform

We request and appreciate the co-operation of parents in sending children to School in uniform.


  • Long grey trousers or short grey trousers 

  • Green crew neck jumper with the new logo

  • Green or white polo shirt with new logo

  • Grey socks

  • Sensible black lace up or velcro school shoes (no trainers)


  • Grey skirt, pinafore dress or grey trousers

  • Green cardigan or green crew neck jumper with school logo on

  • Sensible low heeled black shoes (not boots).

  • Summer dress green and white check

  • Flat heeled sandals (not slingbacks) blue or black


Sweatshirt, sweatshirt cardigan and white polo shirts all with the school logo on, plus the school tie, can all be purchased from Lads & Lasses, Warstones Road or Trutext in Wolverhampton. 

Please ensure that your child's outdoor coat is waterproof with a hood.


Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly marked with the child's name.


No jewellery to be worn with the exception of sensible watches with a plain face and stud earrings.


Physical Education: 
A white T Shirt
Black shorts
Black pumps 
  • Black pumps


Children partake in all aspects of physical education at Key Stage 1 level following the national curriculum guidelines. An annual competitive sports day is held during the summer term.


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