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School Meals

From September 2014 school meals are free for all children age 4-7 years.


  • The mid-day meal is cooked in the School Kitchen and is available for all children. 

  • We have three dinner sittings enabling the children to eat politely without rushing, so encouraging good table manners.


  • If you wish your child to stop having a cooked meal please give one weeks notice.


Free Meals

Parents in receipt of Income Support or certain other benefits should still apply for free meals for their child and should contact the Education Department in the Civic Centre as this will entitle you to free milk.


Packed Lunches

Arrangements have been made so that you can, if you wish, opt for your child to bring sandwiches at mid-day. These are eaten at a table in the dining hall. Water is provided at the table for all the children so they do not need to bring a drink.


Please ensure sandwiches are cut into four and fruit in pieces. Yogurts in a pot only, with a spoon.

We promote healthy eating, so do not include sweets or chocolate.



Children are provided with a choice of milk or water and a piece of fruit at morning breaktime.

Water is available at all times during the day.

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