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Our School

'Learning Together, Growing Together'

New School Logo 2019 - 2020  

As you may know, Finchfield is an area where many of the streets have arboreal and plant related names. The staff and I designed the following logo with that in mind and we also wanted a logo that represented how we aspire to enable your children to learn and grow academically and as individuals.


New School Values

We also discussed at length the values that we believe are instrumental in supporting your children whilst Learning Together and Growing Together. It was agreed that the following values will be invaluable in helping your children reach their full potential. To help the children understand the values and why they are important, we will teach the meanings of the values when we meet as a school during assembly time. We will use stories, images, videos and other means to teach your children about the values.


The decided values are as follows:

Friendship, Honesty, Kindness, Teamwork, Perseverance and Respect


Westacre Infant School Mission Statement 

It is important to the staff and I, that you as parents feel that whilst recognising academic achievement, we also value the importance of meeting the needs of your children as individuals. Our priority is to ensure your children enjoy school and feel part of something special. We believe that the following Mission Statement represents everyone involved with our school.


At Westacre Infant School, we provide a caring, nurturing environment, where every child feels happy, safe and valued. We believe each child should enjoy their educational journey and reach their full potential.


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