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 Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Intent

At Westacre Infant School, our intent is to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that is personalised and meets the needs of all of our learners. Westacre Infant School is committed to meeting the requirements of the Primary National Curriculum. Through our Westacre Curriculum, we aim to help our children to grow into inquisitive, independent learners and creative thinkers, who can support each other and persevere when they are learning new knowledge and skills. Reading has a high profile in our school and we strive to develop a love of reading for all pupils. As well as academic achievements across the curriculum, we place great value on personal development to help our children to grow into well-rounded individuals.

We celebrate and welcome differences, ensuring that every child is recognised and valued as a unique individual; we build pupils learning around their starting points as they progress through each phase of learning. 

Curriculum Implementation

At Westacre Infant School, leaders and staff implement a curriculum that has clear expectations and results in positive outcomes for all pupils, enabling them to achieve their full potential. We foster an ethos of high expectations, aspirations and challenge for all.

We are proud to offer all of our pupils a well-sequenced and progressive Westacre Curriculum which is engaging, exciting and innovative. This ensures that all of our children develop and build on the knowledge and skills they need to grow and learn together from different starting points.

Our curriculum has been designed to encompass knowledge and understanding of the world in which our pupils live. The topics have been designed to complement and build on one another with clear progression and links so that they are able to acquire a deeper understanding of concepts and apply their knowledge in different contexts.

​Our School Values, along with British Values, are at the heart of our curriculum. Throughout our curriculum, we celebrate diversity through assemblies, visits, visitors and celebration days. All learning is successful with the thread of our school values of: Friendship, Honesty, Kindness, Teamwork, Perseverance and Respect embedded within all we do. Our Westacre Wonders, within each year group, offer pupils a range of cultural and purposeful experiences linked to their topic learning.

We work in partnership with parents, carers and families. Our Curriculum Newsletters inform parents and carers of the learning pupils in each year group will be doing over the half term. Westacre Warm-ups are shared weekly on the school website with more specific information, ideas and resources parents and carers can use to support learning at home.


Curriculum Impact

Parents, carers and families are an important and valued part of our school community. At the end of each topic we offer our families the opportunity to share, celebrate and showcase pupils’ learning through our planned home learning projects which are exhibited around school. Our ultimate aim for all of our pupils is for them to be independent, motivated and successful learners in readiness for the next stage of their education.

A weekly awards assembly celebrates achievements in each class as Readers, Writers, Mathematicians and Star of the Week. Half termly certificates are awarded to celebrate learning in other areas of the curriculum. Achievements outside of school are celebrated on the Wall of Fame.

​As a result of our curriculum offer, our pupils know more, remember more and are able to do more. The impact of the intended and implemented curriculum is evidenced in the progress our children make across the curriculum. Our children leave Westacre Infants with a strong sense of belonging to its community, where they have the confidence, knowledge, skills and understanding to continue reaching their full potential and to make a real difference in the world.

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Knowledge and Skill Curriculum Trees

The documents below will help you identify how in each subject we ensure that the Knowledge and skills that the children are taught are progressive overtime and enable them to use their previous learning.

Westacre Warm Ups 


Westacre Warmups are created to help support you and your children with the learning they will be doing throughout the year. You are not expected to do the related activities in one session because we want you to spend quality time learning and consolidating with your children at a convenient and suitable time for your family.


We believe that with a weekly reading book, a Topic Based Homework Project and access to Westacre Warm Ups, you will be able to enjoy supporting your children and helping them before they learn new things. The activities identified can also be used to consolidate and check on the learning your children are achieving at school overtime. 

The Education City activities will be specific to the learning that will happen in the classroom and we hope that with your support your children will be more confident within the classroom because of the learning they may have done beforehand. The children enjoy the interactive activities in the classroom and we hope that overtime this will support the children to make as much progress as possible.

The documents will be kept in the relevant Year group tabs for you to access as and when you feel appropriate.

Spelling Resources


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